Department of Physics

  1. 1. Name of the Department- Department of Physics
  2. 2. Date of establishment- June 2013
  3. 3. Nature of the department in brief- The department of Physics is established to bring scientific orientation among students by providing the basic understanding necessary for developing new instrumentation and techniques in Physics. The department runs B.Sc. in Physics including both Theory and Practical based on syllabus prescribed by University of Mumbai. The department adheres to the vision and mission of College towards tribal students. Physics opens the door to many career options. Physics gives us powerful tools to help us to express our creativity. The job market for those with skills in physics is more diverse and is always strong. Physics provides quantitative and analytic skills needed for analyzing data and solving problems,

  4. 4. Program and course details of department (2023 – 2024)
    Sr. No. Program Name
    1. F.Y.B.Sc
    2. S.Y. B.Sc
    3. T.Y. B.Sc

  5. course details:-
    Sr. No Course Name Course Code Class
    1. Classical Physics USPH101 F.Y.B.Sc.
    2. Modern Physics USPH102 F.Y.B.Sc.
    3. Practical I USPHPI F.Y.B.Sc.
    4. Optics I USPH201 F.Y.B.Sc.
    5. Electricity and Electronics USPH202 F.Y.B.Sc.
    6. Practical II USPHPII F.Y.B.Sc.
    7. Thermodynamics and Temperature Transducers USPH301 S.Y.B.Sc.
    8. Electronics USPH302 S.Y.B.Sc.
    9. Mathematical Methods & Applied Physics I USPH303 S.Y.B.Sc.
    10. Practical III USPHPIII S.Y.B.Sc.
    11. Optics & Applied Physics II USPH401 S.Y.B.Sc.
    12. Electrodynamics USPH402 S.Y.B.Sc.
    13. Quantum Physics USPH403 S.Y.B.Sc.
    14. Practical IV USPHPII S.Y.B.Sc.
    15. Mathematical Methods in Physics, Thermal and Statistical Physics USPH501 T.Y.B.Sc.
    16. Solid State Physics USPH502 T.Y.B.Sc.
    17. Atomic & Molecular Physics USPH503 T.Y.B.Sc.
    18. Electrodynamics USPH504 T.Y.B.Sc.
    19. Practicals of Course USPH501 + Course USPH502 USPHP05 T.Y.B.Sc.
    20. Practicals of Course USPH503 + Course USPH504 USPHP06 T.Y.B.Sc.
    21. Classical Mechanics USPH601 T.Y.B.Sc.
    22. Electronics USPH602 T.Y.B.Sc.
    23. Nuclear Physics USPH603 T.Y.B.Sc.
    24. Special Theory of Relativity USPH604 T.Y.B.Sc.
    25. Practicals of Course USPH601 + Course USPH602 USPH605 T.Y.B.Sc.
    26. Practicals of Course USPH603 + Course USPH604 USPH606 T.Y.B.Sc.

  6. 5. List of Teachers
    Sr. No Name Of the Teacher Designation Qualification Date Of Joining Experience CV
    1. Dr. Kailas P. Joshi Assistant Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. 25-08-2015 8 years View
    2. Dr. Amardeep T. Shende Assistant Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. GATE 01-10-2015 8 years View
    3. Ms. Aishwarya D. Dhangekar Assistant Professor M.Sc. SET GATE 15-02-2023 0.5 years View

  7. 6. List of Non-Teaching Staffs
    Sr. No Name Of the Teacher Designation Date Of Joining Experience CV
    1. Mr. Ajinkya A. Zamre Laboratory Assistant 30-11-2013 10 years View
    2. Mr. Ganesh B. Wagh Laboratory Attendant 28-11-2014 9 years View
    3. Mr. Machindra S. Ingole Laboratory Attendant 27-02-2017 6 years View

  8. 7. Research Activities & publications at a glance
    Sr. No Name of the Teacher Number of Publications
    1. Dr. Kailas P. Joshi 17
    2. Dr. Amardeep T. Shende 25
    3. Ms. Aishwarya D. Dhangekar -

  9. 8. Details of Final Year Results 2021-22
    Sr No. Class Roll No. Name of Students Percentage CGPA
    1 T.Y.B.Sc 2435 Purvi Pralhad Bhoir 8.88 8.19
    2 T.Y.B.Sc 2436 Prachi Kanti Dhasade 8.88 9.45
    3 T.Y.B.Sc 2437 Rajit Raghu Kolha 8.00 7.77
    4 T.Y.B.Sc 2438 Karan Hemant Patil 7.50 7.28
    5 T.Y.B.Sc 2439 Kirti Sudarshan Patil 8.50 9.35
    6 T.Y.B.Sc 2440 Aaditi Subhash Patole 9.00 9.44
    7 T.Y.B.Sc 2441 Samidha Vasudeo Thakre 7.63 8.30
    8 T.Y.B.Sc 2442 Rutuja Bhiva Vekhande 6.90 7.30
    9 T.Y.B.Sc 2443 Dipika Vyankat Yelgate 7.75 8.13

  10. 10.Details of Final Year Results ( from 2016- till)
    Sr. No O Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Grade Year Fail Total % of Success
    1. 4 5 - - - 2021-22 --- 09 100%
    2. -- 12 1 -- -- 2020-21 --- 13 100%
    3. 1 08 - - - 2019-20 - 09 100%
    4. 01 07 03 - - 2018-19 04 15 74.00%
    5. - 01 02 02 - 2017-18 07 12 41.60%
    6. - 01 03 - - 2016-17 01 05 80.00%